My friend, bestselling author John DeChancie, was kind enough to give a short review of Steemjammer, Through the Verltgaat. I’ve added it to the site:
“A gripping story. Wonderful imagination. Steampunk at its finest.” John DeChancie, author of Castle Perilous, Starrigger, and two Castle Falkenstein books.
Thank you very much, John!
Please check out or look him up on Facebook. You can also look for his fine books, of which there are many, on and other sites. His Castle Perilous and Starrigger (or Skyways) series are quite good, and a brand new Castle Perilous book has been finished and will be available soon.
On Dec. 27, 2014, I saw that Steemjammer, Through the Verltgaat, had become a “Hot New Release” on! Then, my sister called to tell me it was on a top 100 bestseller list – then two lists (two different steampunk categories). It continued to do very well in Childrens Steampunk, rising all the way to #11 in that bestseller list. Then, it hit number ten! It was so exciting to watch!
Thank you so much to everyone who has bought the book (and also thanks to the people who have helped get it to market)! I hope you enjoy the book, which will be released soon (it’s still in Amazon presage, and the second book in the series will be available soon).
Steemjammer Young Adult Steampunk Steam Novel